Intuitively yours.

ankita singh
1 min readJun 15, 2020

This conflict of the instinct with the intellect is so intriguing at times.

The former is always gentle, loving and forgiving. The latter can be scrupulous, scathing and often brutal.

The instinct guards your back even when you ditch it. The intellect leaves your side sometimes when you need it the most.

The instinct, like a mother, tells you this too shall pass in times of despair. The intellect, like a grump, doesn’t even let you dance in the rain.

The instinct protects you with kindness and wisdom. The intellect often hurts you with your own words.

The instinct gives you this freedom to be whenever the intellect creates a fearful existence.

We may praise the intellect for it seeks a celebrity status. But the zen-like instinct is that playwright who is happy being in the shadows.

Yet both are indispensable for us.

